Death Star

“clear-cut directions are given showing how we recovered.” (Chapter 2, Big Book)

“our generation has witnessed complete liberation of our thinking … the complete readiness with which we throw away the theory or gadget which does not work for something new which does?” (Chapter 4, Big Book)

If one acquires a Lego Death Star, with lots of the pieces missing, and without the instructions, one might build something, but it won’t be the Death Star and certainly won’t be capable of zapping Alderaan.

That was my position a number of years into being an AA member: I had done some of the programme but not all of the programme, and I had not bought into the general scheme set out in the Big Book. There were many benefits, including the fact of sobriety, but there were many fundamental problems that had not been solved and could not be solved using my piecemeal approach.

I needed the full instructions, the full kit, and the pluck and persistence to complete the clear-cut process.