The logic of Step Two

“When we saw others solve their problems by a simple reliance upon the Spirit of the Universe, we had to stop doubting the power of God. Our ideas did not work. But the God idea did.” (Chapter 4, Big Book)

Sally was powerless over alcohol.

She acquired power and was able to stay sober.

She has accessed power.

That power achieved what she couldn’t.

That power is greater than her.

I believe Sally.

I therefore believe that there is a power greater than Sally.

I could not achieve in Sally what that power achieved.

That power is therefore greater than me.

I therefore believe that there is a power greater than me.

I am powerless than alcohol.

Sally was powerless over alcohol.

Whatever provided power to Sally can provide power to me.

I now believe in a power greater than me.

I then do what Sally did.

I then get the results that Sally got.

I now know there is a Power Greater Than Me.

What’s your experience?