Are demands ever OK?

Every demand is too much. That’s what makes it a demand.

A demand met is really a command. And no one likes to be commanded.

Good action in response to a demand or a command is merely compliance to avoid punishment.

That’s no way to have relationships.

I did not want relationships.

I wanted staff.

No, no, no, no, no.

If a ‘demand’ is unmet it was either unreasonable (which reflects a moral problem on my part) or unrealistic (which reflects a cognitive problem on my part).

So, no demands.

But there are navigation cues.

You shout, I put the phone down, maybe.

You jerk me around, I go and play with someone else.

It’s not there are not consequences.

But other people’s behaviour becomes roadworks, weather, facts to be accepted and allowed for (which is different than allowed).