Oh, my!

"My depression, my anxiety, my ego."

If one owns these things in that way, stick, of course, they will.

In some circles one is actively encouraged to 'own' these. These circles are rarely happy, though. Heavy pudding, usually.

My negative feelings are something I create by granting negative thoughts admission to my mind, turning them over in my mind like gobstoppers, expanding upon and extrapolating them, and, crucially, believing them.

They are my thoughts, my perceptions, my feelings.

What is going on is that I am enjoying the my and suffering the pain as the price for the my.

I would rather be in pain than not have a my in the first place.

The only way to get rid of the pain is to get rid of the my.

And now the mystery (my-stery, my-story) of why pain is apparently so hard to get rid of is solved:

I don't want to get rid of it!

These days, I am happy to cease to exist, and, as the 'I' goes, the 'me' and the 'my' go, as well, and there is nothing for the negativity to cling on to.