Prayer is often boring. Often one feels absolutely nothing. It's the same thing day after day.
The mistake is to seek the results in the act of prayer.
The effect is usually shown everywhere else but in prayer.
It's commonly said that prayer is like a conversation.
It's not. If you hear voices, that may be medical, unless you're particularly advanced or misinterpreting your own voice as God's.
God's wisdom is infused, instilled, seeps in and transforms in a sea change. It's not like receiving daily orders as in the army.
The result, however, of boring, yet sincere prayer by someone who is bored, yet sincere and consistently persists in this is not only permanent sobriety but a transformed life and a transformed relationship with God.
God is elusive, largely invisible, and largely silent, to our ears. The Jesuits know this. C. S. Lewis knew this. In The Horse and His Boy, Aslan appears infrequently and is usually not recognised, but his plans were behind everything that happened.
The actions we take might be the same, but we need not try to recreate the exact same experience and become disappointed if we cannot.
From Prince Caspian:
But things never happen the same way twice. (Aslan)