It can be hard to be objective about how well one is doing in the programme.
Here's a checklist that can be used by those who are currently taking the first nine Steps to find out how well they are doing:
- Is my life organised around my programme?
- Do I attend as many of the same meetings as my sponsor as possible?
- When on Zoom, am I visible, unless jogging, cooking, etc.?
- Do I volunteer to participate in service?
- Do I share wherever possible, provided I have relevant experience?
- Do I go for fellowship after face-to-face meetings?
- Do I actively participate daily in WhatsApp groups with spiritual readings?
- Do I spend upwards of one hour a day on step work, two on non-working days?
- Do I spend every other free minute on step work to get the job done?
- Do I contact my sponsor promptly to run through completed step work?
- Do I take the actions set out on pages 84 to 88 of the Big Book daily?
- Do I regularly run through problems and corrective measures with my sponsor?
- Do I request callback when a call to a sponsor is not answered?
- When requesting callback, do I remain reachable?
- Am I maximally active in contributing to my own recovery?