Here's a list of how spiritual unfitness manifested in me:
- Resentment
- Irritability
- Bouts of rage
- Fear
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Guilt
- Shame
- Self-hatred
- Depression
- Impulsiveness
- Self-destructive behaviour
- Self-harm
- Reactivity
- Distraction
- Inability to focus
- Inability to pay attention
- Inability to take on board information
- Inability to complete tasks or projects
- Flitting between tasks and projects
- Activity in the place of action
- Reluctance to admit one is wrong
- Resistance to correction
- Resistance to instructions
- Restlessness
- Compulsive activity
- Compulsive talking
- Thrill-seeking
- Comfort-seeking
- Repetitive self-soothing activities
- Disorganisation
- Lateness
- Chaotic living conditions
- Unpaid bills
- Unfulfilled obligations
- Addiction
- Alcoholism
This list is far from complete.
I agree with the Big Book, which, on page 62, suggests my troubles are of my own making. Who is the 'I' of the 'my'? Ultimately, my consciousness, not my past, my genetics, my body, my circumstances, or other people.
What's the solution?
I've found spiritual growth to be the answer to all my problems.
That means a change in my consciousness. Everything else flows from that.
Other people are welcome to find other solutions.
If something else works, my hat is off to you!