I know we're supposed to check stuff out with God. The book literally suggests that.
But here's the thing.
Almost everything is perfectly clear. Perfectly right or perfectly horrid but perfectly clear. I don't need to go to God on whether to do my job, make the dinner, be nice to people, give sponsees time, refrain from pestering my other half. It's real clear.
OK, OK, there are some genuinely novel or complex situations where I need to go to God. Those can't be avoided: they're thrust upon me. So these require contemplation, consultation, and God.
What I'm extremely suspicious of, in myself, is Awfully Good Ideas I've Just Had. In particular, going to God with the Awfully Good Idea to get it stamped. God's not an Austro-Hungarian official. Ideas I myself have are usually some form of self-will or a reaction to what I dislike. The principles of AA are so flexible you can justify almost anything if you sit on a cushion long enough.
I've largely given up on having good ideas.
Instead, I ask God for wisdom and strength in handling what is thrown my way, and let it go at that.
The result is my life is perfectly interesting and rich.
And I haven't had an idea in ... heaven only knows how long. And a lot of people are palpably relieved.