"I don't like labels, as I said earlier, and I still don't like them. I don't like 'adult children of alcoholics'. I don't like 'co-alcoholics'. I don't like 'co-dependency'. I don't like 'dysfunctional'. I don't like none of that shit. If you're fucked up, you're fucked up, you know what I mean?" (Grady O'H)
So, I happen to be on the autistic spectrum. I have been given a number of other labels over the years. When I was in my twenties and thirties, different professionals gave different views. Labels have helped a bit. Not much.
What matters is what I do with the label. When I accommodate my faulty beliefs, thinking, and behaviour under the label, the risk is that I place said beliefs, thinking, and behaviour outside the scope of my responsibility.
The truth is that I remain responsible for the consequences, and I remain responsible for doing something about those beliefs, thinking, and behaviour. The labels are the cards I was dealt; they're not the final hand I play.