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- The groups have ultimate authority for AA.
- The groups speak through Conference, which has immediate authority.
- Don't micromanage trusted servants, who act, report, consult, and ask.
- If you do the work you get to vote.
- If you disagree we'll hear your voice.
- The Board implements what the Conference decides.
- The Board's power is legal; the Conference's power is traditional and financial.
- The Board initiates and supervises the work of staff, committees, and hired help.
- Lead by example: be responsible, proactive, impartial, and flexible.
- Authority and responsibility go together.
- Carefully select and train workers and define their work.
- No accumulation of wealth or power; no acts of government; no unqualified authority; keep a prudent reserve; no incitement to public controversy; do not punish; decisions made by discussion, vote, and substantial unanimity.