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The role of GSR at Intergroup
The role of GSR at Intergroup:
- The
GSR, attending Intergroup, becomes a member of a single spiritual entity. To
understand the work of the GSR, one must understand the work of that
spiritual entity.
- Intergroup
has three main roles: (i) to act as a link in the chain between AA as a
whole and the individual group and its members; (ii) to facilitate public
information work; (iii) to run internal AA events and take care of other
internal matters of importance beyond group level.
- Under
Concept I, the ultimate authority for AA resides in the groups and their
members. Under Concept II, a chain of delegation is established between
this ultimate authority and the actual doers, who have delegated
authority. This is like the relationship between the brain and the hands.
This delegated authority is exercised by the people who perform the actual
general service work in AA, whether it answering telephones or performing
PI work. The GSR is the first and most important link in this chain, as without
a GSR the group is detached from AA as a whole.
- Preparation
for being a GSR: a GSR must be well-read in AA literature, particularly on
the Traditions, the Concepts, AA history, and AA service literature; a GSR
should be sponsored by someone with extensive service experience; if the
GSR’s sponsor does not have this experience, there should be someone
further up the sponsorship chain able to provide service sponsorship, or
another service sponsor can be taken on; the GSR should be a weekly
attendee of the group and know the group’s ethos and its members
sufficiently well to be able to make decisions on its behalf at
Intergroup, even when the material presented at Intergroup is novel and
has not been discussed at group level. There is not always time to refer every
detail back to groups, and the GSR has to be able to think on her or his
- In AA
as a whole, the General Service Conference has the final decision
respecting large matters of general policy and finance; however, the
General Service Board (GSB) has the chief initiative and takes active
responsibility for these matters. General policy and finance means ‘what
we want to do, and how much money we want to spend on it’. (Tradition VI)
- The GSB
plans and administrates its committee activities, but acts as stockholder
to its corporations, so elects directors and then exercises oversight.
(Tradition VIII)
- Intergroup
performs all three functions: (i) it covers general questions of policy
and finance, akin to Conference; (ii) it has the chief initiative for projects
and takes active responsibility for them, akin to the GSB, so that would
include Intergroup’s PI activities; (iii) it exercises custodial oversight
in relation to separately incorporated entities, e.g. financially
ring-fenced conventions, where the actual running is left to the
convention committee, and Intergroup merely oversees, intervening only
when there is a serious problem affecting policy or finance (e.g. primary
purpose, other traditions issues, or over-spending).
- The
GSRs role with these three is to be part of the Intergroup, acting as a
single spiritual entity, (i) taking full responsibility for decisions on
overall policy and finance; (ii) overseeing PI activities whilst trusting
the PI officers to take care of the detail (Concept III—right of decision);
(iii) exercising more remote oversight of conventions etc., in relation to
which interference should be very rare.
- Under
Concept VIII, individual officers, committees, and directors are appointed
by the GSB, and this applies at Intergroup; the Intergroup appoints
officers, PI committees (e.g. Crisis at Christmas committees), and
financially ring-fenced convention committees; under Concept XI, the aim
is to appoint the best possible people to do the work required, with
reference not just to AA skills but also to external experience, e.g.
financial, management, leadership, technical, or administrative
experience. To do this, we need to know the candidates. AA CVs need to be
scrutinised, individuals, questioned, and concerns, raised. The best
person for the job needs to be chosen.
- The GSR’s
job is also to collate service opportunities based on information learned
at Intergroup. Some of these are recurring (e.g. telephone service) whilst
others are non-recurring (e.g. particular vacancies). These opportunities
could be at national, supra-regional, Regional, Intergroup, or more local level.
These opportunities need to be presented weekly or monthly to the group.
- The GSR
can report news of the group to the rest of Intergroup. Such news includes
temporary or permanent relocations and special or recurring events.
- Conference
Questions: every year, AA’s General Service Conference discusses questions
and topics chosen by a committee out of all those submitted by members,
groups, Intergroups, Regions, and other entities within AA. These must be
discussed at group level, and the findings must be collated and presented
at the London Region (North) Pre-Conference Assembly to the six Conference
Delegates who represent the Region at the General Service Conference. At
the Post-Conference Assembly, the Conference Delegates then report back to
the GSRs the main decisions made at Conference, and these in turn are
reported back to Groups.
- GSRs
are the main pool for taking on service at Intergroup. When there is a
vacancy for an officer’s role at Intergroup, this vacancy should be
brought to the attention of the group but the GSR should also consider
taking up that vacancy herself or himself. Directly approaching potential
good candidates is an important part of the GSR’s role. Many vacancies get
filled in this way, rather than by someone spontaneously volunteering.