My own business
is my contribution to the world, performing God's work well. It does not mean
blithely turning a blind eye to everything wrong in the world.
If I see an
advert asking for a donation to help rescue animals and respond by setting up a
regular bank transfer, am I minding my own business? Absolutely. Because, when
I see suffering, it is my business to take what action I can to alleviate it.
If my home
group is deviating from the Traditions and losing its focus and I speak up and
suggest what we could be doing better, am I minding my own business?
Absolutely. I am co-responsible for my home group.
If I see
harmful behaviour in the group, e.g. predatory men, is it my business to say
something? Absolutely. The unity of the group and the welfare of the object of
the predation are more important than the 'boundaries' of the predator.
This argument, 'interfere
or leave well alone' often falls into 'change everything in the world' or 'sit
at home and let everything go to hell'.
You don't have
to choose between these two options.
As Pope John
XXIII said, 'Omnia videre, multa dissimulare, pauca corrigere', or 'see
everything, disregard most things, correct a little'.
genuinely fired with the Spirit change the world drastically and are vigorously
active in it.
The question is
not whether we are supine milksops or dictatorial untreated Al-Anons.
The question is
when, where, and how, and that is why we need God.
Only God can
guide me in the moment regarding when to shut up and when to speak up. When to
do nothing and when to say something. When to be gentle and when to be firm.
Having a rule: 'never
interfere' or 'always interfere' is a jolly good way of avoiding having to rely
on God, because then, instead, we can rely on our man-made rule, and hide
behind pseudo-spirituality to divest ourselves all genuine responsibility or go
on a self-justifying rampage.
God has no
hands but ours. If we do not act, who will?
Only God knows
the answers, which is why, moment by moment, my reliance must always be on Him.